Board of Directors Approved 06/05/03

May 1, 2003

Present: Bardizbanian, Steiner, Gemmer, Hughes, Olsen, Fell, Justus, Brooks, French, Capozzo, Sottana
Ex-Officio: Koch
Excused: Frisbie, Wilson
Guest: Ray StoryThe meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m.

Minutes of April 3, 2003
Olsen motioned to approve, Steiner seconded. The motioned carried.

Treasurer's Report
A discussion was held on the Club's purchase order system. Capozzo will prepare a report for the June Board.

Capital Improvement Fund: Patio furniture repair costs are to be removed from the CIF budget as the Board approved funds to come from the operational budget. The Board has requested a monthly CIF report.


Greens: Story is waiting for the engineering drawings for the bridges.

Renovation of Holes #1 & #8: Story gave an estimated clarification on costs to provide total fill for building new bunkers should the area have layers of tufa. The discussion was tabled.

Tee Signs: Have been ordered. Bardizbanian suggested that members have an opportunity to make a donation at a cost of $500.00 toward the tee signs. The cost would include a plaque placed on the sign naming the donor. Members who made past donations will be given priority to contribute toward the replacement of their tee signs. The Board supported the idea.

Maintenance Facility: Building plans are ongoing.

Tennis: Court resurfacing has started. It was delayed due to rain. Work to the observation deck should begin in June

House: Discussing their 2004 CIF Budget.

Membership: The committee present an incentive program to entice members to sell memberships. The committee recommended a $500.00 credit be applied to the leading sponsor. Committee members would not be eligible for this program. Gemmer motioned to approve, Fell seconded. After a lengthy discussion, the motion failed. The Board would like to see funds used toward the wine and cheese event or some other form of marketing. The Board extended their appreciation for the committees suggestions and efforts towards the sale of memberships.

Corporate Class of Membership: See Motions.

Social/F&B: Fashion Show event is progressing.

Pool: See Motions.

By-Laws: Language presented to change the authority of the Board $100,000 has been tabled.

Membership Sales & Notations

Prospective Members:

Brian & Suzy Schneider Tom & Lisa Kirby
Michael & Stephanie Poley Pete & Lynetta Record
French motioned to approve, Gemmer seconded. The motion carried.


Green Committee Report
- Ray Story

Well Control Panel: To complete the water well project additional funds are needed for a control panel. It was originally thought that a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) control panel would be a component of the new irrigation system. This panel is standard to the industry to control the well water when pumped directly into an irrigation system. Olsen motioned for additional funds not to exceed $50,000 for the control panel, higher estimated electrical service costs from PG&E and a contingency. Brooks seconded. The motion carried. Justus suggested that Story and Frisbie present various pumps (including noise level and costs) to the Board for consideration.

Corporate Class of Membership: At the Board's request the committee provided more detail to their draft regarding a Corporate Class of Membership. The committee is requesting the Board to approve the draft and forward it to the By-Laws committee for wording. It will then be presented to the Board again for discussion/approval. It could then be present to the membership if approved by the Board. Fell motioned to approve, Gemmer seconded. The motion carried.

Pool: A liability release form will be implemented this year for the Swim Team and some tennis activities. Information on the Fitness Facility is progressing. Chairman, Williams requested the Board for $2,500 for architectural drawings. The drawings could be used in the future if completing the facility is postponed. French motioned to approve, Brooks seconded. The motion carried.

FF & Suisun Chamber: Requesting a foursome including carts to be used at their fundraising event. Olsen motion to approve, Fell seconded. The motion carried.

Member Request: Requesting a foursome including carts for the Vallejo Police fundraising event. The request failed due to lack of a motion. The Board would like to encourage members to use their guest passes for such occasions.The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
John Justus, Secretary

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